Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Entry kali ini adalah photo manipulation untuk battle design for x-man - Cyclops. Agak malas sedikit kalini sbb selalunya aku akan paint, and draw... masa sngt mencemburui aku...hehe...

Friday, April 13, 2012

A new brand : Anne An Qier 1983

Entry kali ini ialah Portrait Isteri aku... hehe... lama x shoot gambar die... so kali ni concept photo ni berlainan sket, aku cuba buat more kepada press ad...mcm Gucci, Coach, LV dan bnyk lagi lah, bnyk sngt nk kene ingt... tapi with my own style. hehe...kalau boleh aku mmg tak nak sama 100% ke atau 90% ke... memang hopefully you all love it...thanks...

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Legend of Princess Sejinjang & Santubong

In the past, local legend recounts of two beautiful mythical sisters, Princess Santubong and Princess Sejinjang, from a magnificent and idyllic mystical kingdom called Kayangan. The princesses were sent to earth to restore peace between the neighbouring villages of Pasir Kuning and Pasir Putih, with a strict condition – they must never quarrel with each other. As decreed by the mighty Kayangan King, Puteri or Princess Santubong, an expert weaver, was to rule over Pasir Kuning and 
Princess Sejinjang, a skilled rice thresher, was to rule over Pasir Putih.

Source :

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